Monday 4 January 2016

To those who hear what you cannot say.

Today I would like to express gratitude to the people who hear what you are saying even when you cannot get the words out. 
Sometimes they even help you identify the emotion that is proving elusive and just out of grasp.
I get crazy until I can name and label the feeling or the reason for the feeling.  Nothing else matters until that is achieved.
I would like to take a moment to be grateful for the people who recognise the urgency of a situation when I am pathetically unable to articulate the matter.
Have you ever had that experience where heart speaks to heart, where someone just "gets it" and steps up?

Simultaneously while I was having a hard time of it recently, there was also someone near and dear to me who is experiencing a period of struggle.  They needed help, I didn't know how, if I knew what to do to fix the situation I would do that first but found myself in a thousand possible outcomes scenario and it was frightening.  It remains frightening.  There is so much love that the fear of making things more of a struggle was enormous and paralysing.

So I asked good people who I thought might have experience in this particular matter, and they got it and they replied.
Then I asked the service provider to help me identify the root concern and advise how I proceed for maximum effectiveness. When they said "what is it that's happening?" I had no answer, I couldn't find the words to convey the seriousness of the situation.
I have heard folks say in Diary of a Mom blog "if you don't know where to start, start right where you are, in the middle, just start" so I did.
Now, because they listened, there's a plan of action and there is hope for a successful outcome, because they listened and heard what I couldn't say and didn't know how to say.

I love them.
They may never know that they eternally have a place in my heart brimming with love and gratitude and every good wish for their happiness as they traverse through life.
It is a little intense to walk up to them and say "you saved someone's happy outcome and you will never know the magnitude of my thankfulness" so I'll keep that one in my back pocket for a while until I manage to calm down a little.
I am grateful for them taking the time to really hear what needed to be heard when there were no words.
I am grateful for their amazingly insightful and simple ideas which we tried and are proving to be positive.  There are no guarantees and we are at the start of this endeavour so I'll have to get back to you in a few years time to let you know how things pan out but right now it's looking better than before.
I love them.
Thank you just isn't enough.

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