Tuesday 27 September 2016

Justify yourself.

This blog post is a hard one to share, and at time of composing I haven't yet decided if I will hit the button to put these thoughts out to the wider world.

I am struggling with the constant requirement to justify myself, to prove myself, to defend myself.  There are few areas of life where I am free from the request to justify myself. 

For clarity, I'm up for the task and am very clear on who I am and what I stand for.  I am talented and have grit to spare.

It just annoys the sunshine out of me and detracts from the things we have going on right now.  It costs me emotional and physical energy which could happily have been put to better use elsewhere.

When somebody says "justify yourself" with a negative connotation, I get to look back and remember all the hard work that got us to this point but in doing so I recall disappointments or disappointing people, and explain how I turned that situation around for the greater good and how through tenacity and determination I decided to shape a great life from a difficult one.

For the mean time, I'll set my stance and greet the day with a smile... it's only for a short while that I have to endure these requests.

What makes it easier is being a truth-holder.  I don't have to remember what I said about something, I just have to remember the something.

I am learning to wait well. 
Impatience has no positive place in this endeavour and I could go again, starting from the beginning, up the same hill, under the same conditions as many times as is necessary in order to succeed in continuing to design and create a pretty great life. 

In justifying myself, justice will prevail.

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